QUTAC - Quantum Technology & Application Consortium

We bring quantum computing to the level of large-scale industrial application and position our companies for a new digital future. Together, we want to strengthen Germany’s digital sovereignty, develop applications to market maturity and highlight opportunities for funding.

Copyright: acatech/David Ausserhofer
Another example that gives me hope is quantum technologies. We are already at the forefront of research in this field worldwide. Now it's a matter of bringing these research results into application and forming the start of a value chain.
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz Source: Bundesregierung.de // Photo: acatech/David Ausserhofer

Recommendations to Strengthen the German Quantum Ecosystem

The German government’s “Quantum Technologies Action Plan” was a key step towards creating a national quantum ecosystem. Thanks to funding of around three billion euros, important research projects were launched and start-ups were also supported. With funding set to expire at the end of 2025, the commitment to this key future technology for our country must be renewed.

As the Quantum Technology & Application Consortium (QUTAC) and an alliance of fourteen of the largest companies in Germany and Europe, we call for a strategy for quantum technologies adapted to the current challenges as an essential element of an overarching digital strategy. Strategic coordination needs to be established across all levels. This should be realized by a coordinating body in Germany that pursues an integrated approach and always acts in the common European interest.

In addition, we explicitly call for a long-term follow-up funding for quantum technologies. QUTAC conducts application-oriented research and is itself fully financed by private funds. Nevertheless, we believe that government support for the entire quantum ecosystem of university and industrial research as well as start-ups is essential to ensure long-term competitiveness.

In this paper, we outline eight key measures that will help to strengthen our national quantum ecosystem.

The development of commercially relevant quantum technology solutions will play a crucial role in the sovereignty and economic competitiveness of Germany and Europe. Adequate, targeted government coordination and support are essential for this. As Germany’s leading quantum technology consortium, we will continue to accompany and shape this political process.

You can download the full paper here.


Applying quantum computing


Who we are. And how we will make quantum computing commercially successful.

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Our members

QUTAC brings together leading companies from Germany.

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Our projects

Learn more about the quantum leaps our members are taking.

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Dr. Reinhard Ploss über QUTAC
The industrialisation of quantum computing has only just begun. At QUTAC, important German companies come together to put our country and Europe at the forefront of the development of this crucial future technology.
Dr. Reinhard Ploss Representative of QUTAC



Recommendations to Strengthen Germany's Quantum Ecosystem

The German government's “Quantum Technologies Action Plan” was a key step towards creating a national quantum ecosystem. Thanks to funding of around three billion euros, important research projects were launched and start-ups were also supported. With funding set to expire at the end of 2025, the commitment to this key future technology for our country must be renewed.


Early Investing in Quantum Computing – Bernhard Kube, CTO at Lufthansa Industry Solutions Knows: Early Movers Reap the Benefits

How can companies identify the right moment to address industrial application for quantum computing? Bernhard Kube, Chief Technology Officer at Lufthansa Industry Solutions, explains what lessons industry can learn from the current situation in the field of artificial intelligence, what this means for quantum computing and what kind of political support is needed to create a successful quantum ecosystem.


Quantum Technology in Germany — a Joint Path to Value Creation in Industry

What can and must be done to bring quantum technology and especially quantum computing to industrial application in Germany? At our panel at World of QUANTUM on June 28th at Messe München, we discussed this question with experts from different areas of the German quantum ecosystem—because we believe in open exchange and collaborative efforts.

Quantum leaps

TRUMPF - optimized production planning for tomorrow’s metal processing.

Medium-sized industries like metal processing often rely on the human factor to get their production planning done. Together with QUTAC, machine tool and laser technology manufacturer TRUMPF is developing quantum computing-based applications that can make the sector more efficient. 


Production & Logistics: Quantum algorithms for multi-knapsack optimization problems

Optimizing modern supply chains is one of the most important potential application areas for quantum computing. In our new paper submitted to the Computing Conference 2023, we explore the potential of the technology in solving application-oriented optimization problems.

Thomas Ehmer, Innovation Incubator Lead
Quantum leaps

Merck: Optimizing how Clinical Trials are Planned and Carried Out 

Clinical trials are an important step in getting new pharmaceuticals to market, but they are complex and rely on multiple interdependent factors. This makes it hard to plan them optimally. Attempts to optimize trial designs with conventional machine learning are hitting their limits. That’s why science and technology company Merck is testing the use of Bayesian networks and quantum computers - and reaching out to other experts in QUTAC.

Gabriele Compostella, Quantum Computing Lead und Sheir Yarkoni, Quantencomputing-Experte bei der Volkswagen AG ©Volkswagen AG
Quantum leaps

Volkswagen: Optimizing paint shops at automobile production plants

At first glance, modern car manufacturing seems streamlined and efficient, yet when we take a closer look, there are many opportunities for optimization. With the help of quantum computing, Volkswagen Group intends to realize this potential – freeing up time, minimizing waste, and saving money. In short: turning quantum computing into tangible business value.

Lilly Palackal, Quantum Algorithms Team Lead in Supply Chain Innovation, und Dr. Hans Ehm, Senior Principal Supply Chain Management bei Infineon
Quantum leaps

Infineon: Harnessing quantum computing to optimize supply chains

The semiconductor industry is characterized by its global supply chains. These are a complex network, and achieving optimal results is a challenge, even for established industry players like Infineon. With a leading position to maintain, Infineon has its sights set on one of the key technologies for the future: quantum computing.

Dr.-Ing. Susan Wegner, Vice President Artificial Intelligence & Data Analytics bei Lufthansa Industry Solutions

"For an innovation to achieve impact, it’s a question of applicability, not technological potential."

Quantum computing is still in its infancy. Nevertheless, investments that go beyond funding the further development of hardware are crucial to this phase, says Dr.-Ing. Susan Wegner, Vice President for Artificial Intelligence & Data Analytics at Lufthansa Industry Solutions. In our interview, she explains why her company joined QUTAC, how it is involved in the consortium and what digital sovereignty means to her.

Picture of Andreas Nawroth
Quantum leaps

Munich Re: Understanding, calculating and hedging complex risks

At Munich Re, Andreas Nawroth and his team are researching quantum technology applications for modern route planning. This way, they are helping to make Germany a pioneer in quantum technology – and to protect companies more intelligently against economic losses in the future.

Quantum leaps

BASF: How quantum computing can help develop chemical catalysts

With the help of quantum computing, BASF intends to accelerate the development of new catalysts within polymer research. To do so, it is relying on a hybrid approach - and collaboration with QUTAC.


“Only markets make the development of quantum solutions economically attractive.”

The industrialisation of quantum computing requires not only basic technology, but also a functioning market, says Dr. Andre Luckow, Head of the Department for New Technologies at BMW Group IT. In this interview, he explains how QUTAC intends to strengthen the development of industrial applications and hot the BMW Group, both within the consortium and beyond, is involved in the field of quantum computing.

   Quantentechnologien werden eine Reihe disruptiver Innovationen anstoßen, sagt BASF-Vorstandsvorsitzender Dr. Martin Brudermüller. Im Interview erklärt er, was wir von dieser neuen Technologie erwarten können, welche Herausforderungen bei ihrer Entwicklung bestehen – und warum genau jetzt der richtige Zeitpunkt ist, ein IndUTAC zu gründen.

"Quantum computing will become a key enabling technology"

Quantum technologies will trigger a series of disruptive innovations, says BASF Chairman of the Board Dr. Martin Brudermüller. In an interview, he explains what we can expect from this new technology, the challenges involved in its development and why now is exactly the right time to establish an industry consortium like QUTAC.

Interviewpartner Clemens Utschig-Utschig, CTO Boehringer Ingelheim. © Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG.
Quantum leaps

Boehringer Ingelheim: A question of time

For the simulation of complex molecules, Boehringer Ingelheim CTO Clemens Utschig-Utschig also considers the potential of quantum computing. This way, extensive laboratory experiments may be reduced in the future – and with them the time needed to develop new drugs.


QUTAC Members

Details on QUTAC members